E-mail: raed.raya2020@gmail.com
Academic Qualification:
2013: Ph.D. in Public Policy & Administration
College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University, Australia.
2004: Masters of Public Administration in International Management, 64 credit hours, Like double major (MPA & MBA), Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA.
1999: Bachelor in Business Administration, Birzeit University, the West Bank.
Languages: Bilingual in English and Arabic
– 12/ 2014 – current: Expert, Research & Trainer, Independent. Palestine.
Scope of work: consulting, training, coaching and research
Area of Works: HR, governance, strategy, public policies, leadership &
organization development and local governments.
Clients: Public and NGO sectors.
Current assignment: restructuring Betoniya Municipality, Ramallah, Palestine
(benefit of a client written in Arabic)
Previous assignments:
– Creating community and internal audit function over local government institutions
(Municipalities and village councils). (Ministry of Local Governments and AntiCorruption Committee, benefit of a client written in Arabic)
– Internal control based on risk analysis. (Ministry of Local Governments and Anticorruption Committee, benefit of a client written in Arabic)
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